Synthetic Data in Health Care: Unlocking New Horizons

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In the realm of healthcare and research, access to quality data is paramount. However, stringent regulations and privacy concerns often restrict data availability. This is where synthetic data comes into play, a revolutionary concept that is reshaping healthcare research and technology development. The article “Synthetic data in health care: A narrative review,” published in PLOS Digital Health, delves deep into this emerging field. This blog aims to unpack the complexities of synthetic data for public health practitioners and ignite an interest in the original paper.

What is Synthetic Data?

Simply put, synthetic data is artificial data generated to mimic real data’s statistical properties. This innovative approach offers a solution to the data access and privacy challenges in health care. By creating datasets that preserve the original data’s statistical integrity without compromising individual privacy, synthetic data opens new avenues for research and technological advancement.

The Seven Use Cases of Synthetic Data in Healthcare

The review identifies seven critical applications of synthetic data in healthcare:

  1. Simulation and Prediction Research: Enhancing predictive models and simulations with larger, more diverse datasets.
  2. Hypothesis and Algorithm Testing: Offering a risk-free environment to test new hypotheses and algorithms.
  3. Epidemiology/Public Health Research: Facilitating real-time research and policy development, especially during health emergencies like COVID-19.
  4. Health IT Development: Accelerating the development of health information technologies.
  5. Education and Training: Providing realistic datasets for academic purposes without compromising privacy.
  6. Public Release of Datasets: Enabling the release of more comprehensive public datasets while maintaining confidentiality.
  7. Linking Data: Assisting in the accurate and efficient linking of diverse datasets for comprehensive analysis.

The Benefits of Synthetic Data

Privacy and Confidentiality

One of the most significant advantages of synthetic data is its ability to protect individual privacy. By using artificial data, the risk of re-identifying individuals in datasets is drastically reduced, addressing a major concern in healthcare data sharing.

Enhanced Accessibility

Another key benefit is the increased accessibility of data for researchers. Synthetic data removes many of the barriers to accessing sensitive health data, thereby accelerating research and development.

Realistic Testing and Development

For health IT developers, synthetic data provides a more realistic and comprehensive testing ground. This leads to the development of more robust and effective health technologies.

Challenges and Limitations

Despite its benefits, synthetic data is not without limitations. The accuracy and utility of synthetic data depend heavily on the quality of the algorithms used to generate it. Moreover, there is a risk of data leakage, where unique data points in the synthetic dataset could potentially be traced back to real individuals.

Public Health Implications

For public health practitioners, synthetic data offers a promising tool for advancing research, policy-making, and technology development. It opens the door to more rapid and comprehensive studies, potentially leading to more effective health interventions and policies.


Synthetic data is a game-changer in healthcare, offering new opportunities for research, development, and policy-making. As this field evolves, it promises to bridge the gap between data accessibility and privacy, paving the way for a more data-driven and efficient healthcare system.

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