Category: research

The Costs of Rare Diseases

Imagine a world where you or a loved one has a condition so rare that doctors struggle to diagnose it, and treatments if they exist, come with sky-high costs. Actually,… Read More

The Science of Fecal Transplants

Imagine a future where the treatment for a debilitating disease lies not in a bottle of pills, but in a simple procedure involving the healthy bacteria from another person’s gut…. Read More

Promising Treatment for Monkey Pox

Monkey Pox (Mpox) is a disease caused by the mpox virus, a close relative of the smallpox virus. Although less deadly than smallpox, mpox can still cause serious health issues… Read More

The Value of Play

For us up North, it’s getting warmer. And that means (at least for me) forcing the kids outside more. Recent research underscores the critical importance of outdoor play in promoting… Read More