Category: health equity

The Costs of Rare Diseases

Imagine a world where you or a loved one has a condition so rare that doctors struggle to diagnose it, and treatments if they exist, come with sky-high costs. Actually,… Read More

Engaging Communities in Public Health

The COVID-19 pandemic laid bare the critical need for a more inclusive and engaged public health system in the United States. The pandemic showed that community-based organizations (CBOs) are essential… Read More

How Health Departments Address Equity

In today’s world, where technology and science are rapidly advancing, it’s disheartening that racial and ethnic disparities in health and healthcare continue to persist in the United States. These disparities… Read More

Breaking Barriers to Cancer Treatment

Cancer claims nearly 10 million lives globally each year, yet does not affect everyone equally. Socioeconomic factors play a significant role in determining who gets timely, effective treatment and who… Read More