Author: Jon Scaccia

Simple Headlines Capture Our Attention

In the bustling world of online news, where every headline competes for a reader’s precious attention, simplicity may be the key to success. Recent research, conducted through over 30,000 field… Read More

A New Hope for Autoimmune Disease

Imagine dealing with a disease where your body’s immune system, meant to protect you, turns against you instead. This is the reality for millions of people worldwide who suffer from… Read More

How Health Departments Address Equity

In today’s world, where technology and science are rapidly advancing, it’s disheartening that racial and ethnic disparities in health and healthcare continue to persist in the United States. These disparities… Read More

Hey! We’re on Instagram!

The question is: Why? Well, a core part of our mission is distilling scientific findings into ways that are accessible to a broad audience. To do this, we’ve start making… Read More

Peer Support in Emergency Departments

Emergency departments (EDs) are often the first point of contact for individuals experiencing crises related to substance use disorders (SUDs). To address the growing opioid crisis, many EDs have started… Read More

The Science of Fecal Transplants

Imagine a future where the treatment for a debilitating disease lies not in a bottle of pills, but in a simple procedure involving the healthy bacteria from another person’s gut…. Read More

A Path to better Workplace Health

In today’s fast-paced world, many of us spend a significant portion of our lives at work. This makes the workplace an ideal setting for promoting health and preventing chronic diseases…. Read More

Breaking Barriers to Cancer Treatment

Cancer claims nearly 10 million lives globally each year, yet does not affect everyone equally. Socioeconomic factors play a significant role in determining who gets timely, effective treatment and who… Read More

Staying Safe in Heat Wave

Imagine waking up one summer morning to find the temperature soaring (like, I don’t know, today). By noon, it’s unbearably hot, and by evening, the heatwave has claimed lives. This… Read More