Category: workforce

Lifesaving Naloxone: Trends and Impact

In the ongoing battle against the opioid crisis, one tool has emerged as a critical lifesaver: naloxone. This medication can reverse opioid overdoses, making it a vital resource in a… Read More

Biosecurity in Livestock

Biosecurity measures are essential to keep livestock healthy and prevent the spread of diseases. But what do the veterinarians who enforce these measures think about them? A recent study in… Read More

Simple Headlines Capture Our Attention

In the bustling world of online news, where every headline competes for a reader’s precious attention, simplicity may be the key to success. Recent research, conducted through over 30,000 field… Read More

How Health Departments Address Equity

In today’s world, where technology and science are rapidly advancing, it’s disheartening that racial and ethnic disparities in health and healthcare continue to persist in the United States. These disparities… Read More

Peer Support in Emergency Departments

Emergency departments (EDs) are often the first point of contact for individuals experiencing crises related to substance use disorders (SUDs). To address the growing opioid crisis, many EDs have started… Read More

A Path to better Workplace Health

In today’s fast-paced world, many of us spend a significant portion of our lives at work. This makes the workplace an ideal setting for promoting health and preventing chronic diseases…. Read More

Health Insurance Gaps by US County

The good folks at Overflow Data have created some nice visualizations of health insurance coverage gaps here in America. Let’s take a closer look at our home base of Pennsylvania…. Read More