Category: commentary

The land you live and work on.

Our sister company, The Dawn Chorus Group, is involved in many community-based research and evaluation projects. This work is part of our larger overall mission of getting good ideas into… Read More

New Article! –> Putting all the pieces together.

Together with colleagues from the Universities of North Carolina Chapel Hill and Charlotte, along with the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, we are super stoked to finally see Blending Participatory Action…

Three Sources of Community Psychology Updates that didn’t work (and one that did)

The really important community work happens in the community, not the laboratory. To get a more robust picture of the state of community-based research and action, we’ve started looking more… Read More

C is for Champion

Whenever we go into a new setting, one of our first tasks is to find the people who to be our cheerleaders. These are your key opinion leaders, the person… Read More

B is for Best Practice

Let’s make no bones about it. We only want to implement things that will work. We want to select and implement changes with evidence that they will make a difference… Read More

A is for Adaptation

A brief introduction. Implementation science is the study of how to get good ideas into practice. Over the past twenty or so years, there has been a huge amount of… Read More

My favorite thing from NCI

In the US, the major federal funder of implementation science research is the National Cancer Institute. They have a full section, the Consortium for Cancer Implementation Science (CCIS) dedicated to… Read More