Author: Jon Scaccia

Identity and Intersectionality in Marketing

In today’s world, marketing is more than just advertising a product—it’s about understanding the diverse lives of consumers. Yet, one crucial concept remains largely underused: intersectionality. This term, which highlights… Read More

Gender-Based Violence in Healthcare

Imagine going to work every day knowing you might face verbal abuse, bullying, or even physical assault. For many healthcare workers worldwide, this is a harsh reality. A recent scoping… Read More

A conversation with Abe Wandersman

Abe Wandersman, PhD is a distinguished professor emeritus at the University of South Carolina and founder of the Wanderman Center. Over a decades-long career, he has done highly influential work… Read More

How New Tech Could Protect Public Health

Yes, technology platforms play an integral role in shaping our daily lives. From social media to streaming services, these platforms are designed to keep us engaged and entertained. However, a… Read More

To Build a Mentally Healthy Workplace

In recent years, mental health in the workplace has become a critical public health issue. From high-pressure jobs to the increasing demands of modern work life, employees face a range… Read More

Soccer and Global Health?

Imagine if sharing critical health data was as straightforward and rewarding as trading soccer players. What if every time a country contributed valuable information about a disease outbreak, it was… Read More